Aesthetically, I will admit that I prefer the original flag. Those six bright colors are a beautiful representation of the full spectrum of identity and celebrates the gradating differences we each have.
But what happens when the flag fails us? Or rather what happens when the community fails us? On paper, this is what the flag represents but do we really embrace the meaning? The LGBTQ community is plagued with casual exclusivity and blatant racism - not so much what the rainbow flag stands for. Adding black and brown is a representation of all people of color (POC), despite any confusion you may have. POC too often feel unaccepted and unwanted in the community. The additional colors are a reaction against this epidemic. Accepting these new colors into the flag is a representation of acceptance of POC in our community.
The dark colors alongside the vibrant are criticized as being ugly. Not as ugly as the backlash against them, I assure you. Many POC are feeling representation and acceptance by the inclusion of these colors where they otherwise feel excluded. You, personally, may not want those colors in the flag, but if it brings the community together, does it matter? If we are truly seeking equal distribution of the pie, you might have to sacrifice some of your own slice. In this case, your sacrifice is to include drab colors in your design. Is that so bad?
This tactic is also criticized for NOT being inclusive. It is argued that by bringing these two colors into the flag, it segregates further and redundantly brings race into the mix. After all, isn’t’ race included in the “gradating differences” represented by the spectrum? Isn’t elevating POC to be represented on the flag exclusive? Where is the white bar? Doesn’t that sound a LOT like “Where is the straight flag?”or “All Lives Matter”?
You may not like the look, but you should support it. Don’t just say you accept POC into the community, show it. Accept the colors into the flag and by doing so, show the disheartened queer POC that you recognize and oppose the discrimination against them. #MoreColorMorePride